The Agendas for the Satellite Symposium "Geographical coordination of wildlife health surveillance" and APHAEA Final Consultation Workshop are now avaiable here or at the corresponding websites.
We are happy to announce that four interesting and varied keynote speakers representing their fields of expertise at the upcoming Satellite Symposium "Geographical coordination of wildlife health surveillance" in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Dr. Gervelmeyer and Dr. Karesh will participate at the APHAEA Final Consultation Workshop.
One part of the APHAEA project consists in testing the proposed harmonized protocols and demonstrating the advantages of harmonization.
A subtask of the work package 3 (WP3) has finalised and the questionnaires are not available
online anymore.
Time has passed since the workshop and today we are happy to announce
that the Aphaea Brescia Workshop Proceeding document is available
and can be found in the public Brescia document section.