Work package 5 (WP5)

Consortium management


The main objectives are to monitor the efficient progress of the activities towards the scheduled milestones and deliverables, and to monitor the scientific quality of the results generated and disseminated.

Work package 5 is concerned with the consortium management activities in APHAEA. A simple, yet effective project management structure including internal reporting and decision making procedures will be set up to facilitate the project management and progress monitoring.

The APHAEA Executive Board (EB), chaired by IREC as the Coordinator of APHAEA will include the principal investigators of all participating APHAEA partners. The EB decides on issues on APHAEA level by majority vote. Each member has one vote. This includes monitoring the overall scientific quality of the results of APHAEA, authorizing all external APHAEA communications and deciding on eventual corrective measures in case of unexpected delays or bottlenecks that threaten the progress of APHAEA towards its objectives.

The EB meets face to face bi-annually. (months 1 (kick-off), 6,12,18 etc). The EB reports to the EMIDA office, through the Coordinator. EB members are responsible for meeting their respective national (financial and technical) progress reporting requirements. The EB delegates the management at work package level to the work package leaders. The work package leaders are responsible for monitoring the progress of their work packages against the milestones and deliverables agreed and report back to the EB on a quarterly basis. The Coordinator is responsible for setting the agenda and distributing the documents prior to the EB meetings and the development and distribution of meeting minutes. Consultation meetings will be organized by the APHAEA EB (see work package 4).